Psychic Surgery is not a new alternative therapy.
It has been around since the 1940s and was first pioneered in the Philippines although the way we operate in this country is very different since no physical incisions are made.
UK Psychic Surgeons work on the etheric body which is a mirror copy of the physical body. Changes that are made to the etheric body are then mirrored back into the physical body after a few days.
This is a better method of Psychic Surgery compared to the traditional method using scalpels as there is no skin cutting and conforms to all medical law. Only qualified medical surgeons and personnel are allowed to cut the skin in the UK.
Before the spiritual operation beings the spirit surgeons give the client a spiritual anesthetic to ensure no pain is felt. Usually most clients report to feeling very relaxed and being aware they cannot move the part of their body the operation is taking place on. Clients still have full feeling of their body parts just the knowledge they cannot move the part being worked on.
This is the same concept as with a conventional operation. In a conventional operation anesthetic is applied either locally to a certain body part or fully hence the client would be in a sleep like state.
With Psychic Surgery the client is always fully awake and many report to feeling “movement” inside their body whilst the spiritual operation is taking place however they feel no pain.
There is no cross infection concerns and also no problems with adhesions which are a huge problem with conventional surgery. Adhesions are known as inner scars, tough tissue bands that form between your tissues and organs, and can develop after surgery. They can make your normally slippery internal tissues and organs stick together. They can become very painful and uncomfortable twisting and pulling as you move.
As soon as the spiritual operation is over the clients can leave the room and walk as normal. Unlike conventional surgery there is no rehabilitation time required after the spiritual operation.
The spiritual surgery is happening on the etheric/spiritual body to restore imbalances of energy.
With the modern approach to psychic surgery the healer is in semi-trance, full-trance, or meditative state, and allows a spirit surgeon to channel energy through his hands, rectifying energetic imbalances in the spiritual body.The spirit surgeon detects those parts of the spiritual body in which disease is developing, increases the vibration of the area affected using the physical healers hands and performs spiritual surgery in a different dimension removing the energetic imbalance.
Rather like conventional surgery there is a whole team of spirit doctors, surgeons and helpers working on the person in the spiritual dimension.Many psychics and mediums can see and converse with these non-physical entities.
The entire healing process occurs in a different dimension that we don’t yet fully understand, and with our limited science is currently un-quantifiable.
But hopefully in time we will understand and accept the concept of other energies.
Perhaps in the future science will provide the answers we are looking for, but for now we cannot validate the spiritual healing procedure in a conventional way.
All religions on the planet are said to have evolved from human contact with advanced spiritual entities, and therefore a huge portion of the earth’s population believe in the existence of a spiritual dimension that we cannot see with our eyes. This spiritual dimension is believed to be inhabited with a vast range of unseen entities both positive and negative. Many names have been given to the entities that populate these various dimensions of vibration such as angels, demons and extraterrestrial life forms.
It is from these dimensions that positive entities normally referred to as “spirit guides” are working with physical spiritual healers to perform spiritual operations know as Psychic Surgery.

Science has yet to understand and acknowledge the existence of a spiritual dimension in which other non-physical entities exist. It is these non-physical discarnate entities that are working through the Psychic Surgeons hands to perform the surgery and healing.